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"Many thanks to the developers of Weglot for the really good work. Exactly what we need for our company website! Everything works simply, quickly and efficiently. Finally, our site will also be available in English! Thanks also to the competent, very friendly and reliable people from the support, especially Karina, who helped me with words and deeds."


"I stopped using WPML in new projects about 2 months ago its a waste of time and effort, Weglot is a far superior product/service. What used to take weeks to implement now quite literally takes minutes. Not only that you can expect fast support from real people with names"


"I’m very grateful to Weglot team they are the best, the translation tool is very smart my website were professionally translated to several languages in a minute, I could also edit translations the way I want. It’s great I already started to received visits on my translated pages. thinking about translating your website? write Weglot team!"


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